There is about to be a severe meat shortage in America

There is about to be a severe meat shortage in America as unharvested animals are backed up, severely, at the farm. COVID-19 is disrupting the food chain and while causing inconvenience and sight hardship for some, it's causing sheer disaster at the farm level.

The pork industry is basically begging farmers to hide these mass killings from the public.

This blog post from @NationalPork is revealing. The pork industry is basically begging farmers to hide these mass killings from the public. — Jay Shooster (@JayShooster) April 30, 2020  

JBS reopens Worthington plant to kill pigs without processing them

Friendly reminder that JBS is a Brazilian-owned company and should not be confused with Smithfield, which is a Chinese owned company.

Beef Prices Soar To Record High As Meatpacking Plants Shutter | Zero Hedge

David Myatt

Learning From Adversity; A Rejection of Extremism

Mythic Fantasy Roleplaying Game

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Thulean Perspective

For Blood & Soil

Sol Ascendans - The Website of Alex Sumner

Novelist and writer on the Occult

Mason Dixon Survivalist Association

Be a Survivalist who is a “Jack of all Trades”, master of some (preferably the life saving and life protecting arts).

Pacific Paratrooper

This site is Pacific War era information

Freedom Is Just Another Word...

Random stuff, but mostly about Guns, Freedom and Crappy Government..

Tactical Wisdom

Tactical Training with a Biblical foundation


Για του Χριστού την Πίστη την Αγία και της Πατρίδος την Ελευθερία...!

Welcome To The Resistance! strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God... Ephesians 6:10-11

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Refugee Resettlement Watch

They are changing America by changing the people

Attack the System

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Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise

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