Mōdraniht – Rûna Eormensyl

Mōdraniht was an Anglo-Saxon celebration that took place during Yule. There are no specific details in existence on the holiday, however, the 8th-century historian Bede indicates that the Anglo-Saxon pagans who took part in this celebration stayed up through the night making sacrifices while feasting. Many scholars such as Rudolf Simek believe that the mothers revered on this night may have links to the Valkyries, the Norns, Dísir, and the Matronae.

With the advent of Mōdraniht I ask you to join us and meditate on our various female ancestral spirits (and ancestors in general) who guide us through the coils of time. This can be done tonight at dusk (or any time you feel to be liminal) or over the next 12 days.

Mōdraniht – Rûna Eormensyl
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